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Refereed Journals 

Wong, PPY*, Low, CT, Cai, W, Leung, K, Lai, PC (2022) A Spatiotemporal Data Mining Study to Identify High-Risk Neighbourhoods for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) Incidents, Scientific Reports, 12, 3509. DOI

Wong, P.P.Y.* Low, C.T. Lai, P.C (2022) The impact of geographic mobility on the spread of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Geospatial Health, 17(s1). DOI

Wong, P*., Yuen, YC, Mohamad, WSW, Febriana, A., Chong, JCM, Technamuthy, U, Wong, G (2022) Social Mobile Learning as a Means to Stimulate Idea Generation for Collective Intelligence among Higher Education Students, Knowledge Management & E-learning: An International Journal (Accepted)

Wong, G.*, Wong, PPY, Chong CMJ (2022) Low-fidelity buyer seller housing simulations can encourage authentic learning experiences, International Review of Economics Education (IREE), 40, 100241. DOI

Sung, Y‐H., Pang, C‐C., Li, T. C., Wong, P. P. Y., & Yu, Y‐T. (2021). Ecological Correlates of 20‐Year Population Trends of Wintering Waterbirds in Deep Bay, South China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, [658084].

Cai, WH, Wong, PPY* (2021) Associations between Incense-Burning Temples and Respiratory Mortality in Hong Kong, Atmosphere, 12(6), 774. DOI

Loo, BPY, Tsoi, KH, Wong, PPY, Lai PC (2021) Identification of superspreading environment under COVID‐19 through human mobility data, Scientific Reports, 11, 4699, DOI

Sung YH, Pang C, Li TC, Wong PPY, Yu Y (2021) Ecological correlates of 20-year population trends of wintering waterbirds in Deep Bay, South China, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 247

Ho, HC, Wong, PPY, Guo, C (2021) Impacts of social and environmental perceptions on preparedness and knowledge of air pollution risk: A study of adolescent males in an urbanized, high-density city, Sustainable Cities and Society, 66, 102678, DOI 

Wong PPY* (2020) ​A Microclimate Study of Traffic and Pedestrianization Scenarios in a Densely Populated Urban City, Advances in Meteorology, 8741049, DOI

Thach, TQ,  Tsang, H, Lai, P, Lee, RS, Wong PPY (2019) Long-term effects of traffic exposures on mortality in a Chinese cohort, Journal of Transport & Health, 14, 100609, DOI

Wong PPY, Lai PC, Allen R, Wei C, Lee M, Tsui A, Tang R, Thach TQ, Tian L, Brauer M, Barratt B, (2019) Vertical monitoring of traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) in urban street canyons of Hong Kong, Science of the Total Environment, 670, 696-703. DOI 

Sun A, Tian L, Cao W, Lai PC, Wong PPY, Lee R, Mason T, Kramer A, Wong CY (2019) Urban climate modified short-term association of air pollution with pneumonia mortality in Hong Kong, Science of the Total Environment, 646, 618-624. DOI

Zhang JJ, Wong PPY, Lai PC (2018) A geographic analysis of hosts' irritation levels towards mainland Chinese cross-border day-trippers, Tourism Management, 68, 367-374. DOI

Yang Y, Tang R, Qiu H, Lai PC, Wong P, Thach TQ, Allen R, Brauer M, Tian L, Barratt B, (2018) Long term exposure to air pollution and mortality in an elderly cohort in Hong Kong, Environment International, 117, 99-106. DOI

Lai PC, Chen S, Low CT, Cerin E, Stimson R, Wong PYP (2018) Neighborhood Variation of Sustainable Urban Morphological Characteristics, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), 465. DOI

Tang R, Tian L, Thach TQ, Tsui TH, Brauer M, Lee M, Allen R, Yuchi W, Lai PC, Wong PYP, Barratt B,
(2018) Integrating travel behavior with land use regression to estimate dynamic air pollution exposure in Hong Kong, Environment International, 113, 100-108, 

Low CT, Lai PC, Yeung P, Siu A, Leung K, Wong PYP, (2018) Temperature and Age-gender Effects on Out-of- hospital Cardiac Arrest Cases, Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine, 25(2), 83 - 90

Lee M, Brauer M, Wong PYP, Tang R, Tsui TH, Choi C, Cheng W, Lai PC, Tian LW, Thach TQ, Allen R, Barratt B, (2017) Land use regression modelling of air pollution in high density high rise cities: A case study in Hong Kong, Science of The Total Environment, 592: 306-315

Low CT, Stimson R, Chen Si, Cerin E, Wong PYP, Lai PC (2017) Personal and Neighbourhood Indicators of Quality of Urban Life: A Case Study of Hong Kong, Social Indicators Research, 1- 23

Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2016) Microclimate variation of urban heat in a small community, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 36, 180-183.

Low, C.T., Lai, P.C., Li, H.D., Ho, W.K., Wong, P.P.Y., Chen, S., Wong, W.C. (2016) Neighbourhood effects on body constitution - a case study of Hong Kong. Social Science and Medicine, 158, 61-74

Lai, P.C., Choi, C.C.Y., Wong, P.P.Y., Thach, T.Q., Wong, M.S., Cheng, J.W., Kramer, A., Wong, C.M.,(2016) Spatial Analytical Methods for Deriving a Historical Map of Physiological Equivalent Temperature of Hong Kong, Building and Environment, 99, 22-28

Wong, P.P.Y., Lai, P.C., Low, C.T., Chen, S., & Hart, M. (2016) The Impact of Environmental and Human Factors on Urban Heat and Microclimate Variability, Building and Environment, 95, 199-208


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2015) Temporal Statistical Analysis of Urban Heat Islands at the Microclimate Level, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 26, 91-94.

Thach, T.Q., Zheng, Q., Lai, P.C., Wong, P.P.Y., Chau, P.Y.K., Jahn, H.J., Plass, D., Katzschner, L., Kraemer, A. & Wong, C.M. (2015) Assessing Spatial Associations Between Thermal Stress and Mortality in Hong Kong: A small-area ecological study. Science of the Total Environment, 502, 666-672

Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2013) Microclimate Variations between Semi-enclosed and Open Sections of a Marathon Route. Advances in Meteorology, 2013, 10, doi:10.1155/2013/287934 

Book Chapter and Technical Report  


WONG, P. PY. (2022). Rethinking the sources of air pollution and urban policies in Hong Kong. In K-T. CHOU, K. HASEGAWA, D. KU, & S-F. KAO (Eds.), Air pollution Governance in East Asia (pp. 227-251). (Routledge Contemporary Asia Ser.). Routledge. DOI

Wong, P.P.Y.*, Wong, G.W.C. (2022). Social Experiential Learning for Zero Waste Education in a Liberal Arts University. In: Tso, A.W.B., Chan, A.Ck., Chan, W.W.L., Sidorko, P.E., Ma, W.W.K. (eds) Digital Communication and Learning. Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook. Springer, Singapore. DOI

Barratt, B., Lee, M., Wong, PYP, Tang, R., Tsui, TH., Choi, C., Cheng, W., Yang, Y., Lai, PC., Tian, L., Thach, TQ., Allen, R., Brauer, M. (2018) A dynamic three-dimensional exposure model for Hong Kong, Research Report 194, Boston, MA: Health Effects Institute. Download

Lai PC, Wong PYP, Cheng W, Thach TQ, Choi C, Wong MS, Kra ̈mer A, Wong CM, (2018) Constructing a Map of Physiological Equivalent Temperature by Spatial Analysis Techniques in Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems, Huang, B. (ed.), pp. 389-401 DOI

Conference Proceedings and Other Publications

Wong, P., and Low, C.T. (2016) Use of geospatial technologies in bringing awareness about conservation: A case of the Chi Fu Valley, Annals of the Geographical, Geological & Archaeological Society, 39, 10-15 Download


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2014) A GIS Approach to Analyzing Microclimate Variations and the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Hong Kong, Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong


Wong, P., Hart, M. & Lai, P.C. (2012) A low-cost sensor applied to microclimate monitoring of marathon courses in Hong Kong, Conference proceeding and Poster presentation, The 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8) and 10th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Dublin, Ireland, 6-10 August 2012


Cheung, K.L.A. and Wong, P.Y.P. (2007). Reconstructing historical sites: A web-based PPGIS Approach, International Symposium on Plank Roads and 3S Technologies, Hanzhong, Shaanxi province, China


Wong, P. (2007). Visualising the dynamics of suburbs. Proceedings of the GeoCart'2006 National Cartographic Conference, Auckland, New Zealand


Wong, P. (2006). Representing suburbs as vague entities: A web-based PPGIS approach, Unpublished MSc thesis, Department of Geography, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Conference Presentation

Wong P., Cai W (2021) Spatial‐temporal Characteristics of Air Pollutant Emissions from Incense Burning at Temples in Hong Kong, Session Chair and Oral Presenter of the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES 2021) Virtual Annual Meeting held online from Aug 30 to 2 Sept 2021

Wong. P (2021) Using GIS to Implement Social Responsibility during the COVID‐19 Pandemic, Paper Presentation, Paper presentation at the 7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2021) held online from April 23 to 25, 2021, 

Wong, P (2019) The population ageing in Hong Kong: Challenges and Opportunities, Invited Speaker, 4th Juntendo & National University of Singapore Joint International Forum on Sustainable Healthy and Ageing Society 2019, Held in the Juntendo University, Japan on 18 – 23 Dec 2019.

Wong, P (2019) Intergenerational Justice and Sustainability: Pathways for a Green Economy, Paper Presentation, Symposium on Economic Globalization and Regionalization: Implications for Higher Education, Graduate Employment and Intergenerational Equality, Held in the National Chengchi University, Taiwan on 6 Sep, 2019

Wong, P (2018) A vertical approach to monitoring microclimates of urban street canyons, Poster Presentation, First Global Forum on Heat and Health, Held in the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong on 17-20 Dec, 2018

Wong, P., Cheng, W., Barratt, B. & Lai, PC. (2015) A distributed approach to monitoring microclimate urban heat island effects, Poster Presentation, Croucher Advanced Study Institute 2015 -2016:Changing Urban Climate & the Impact on Thermal Environment and Living, Held in Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong on 7-11 Dec, 2015


Choi, C.C.Y., Lai, P.C., Wong, P., Thach, T.Q. & Wong, C.M. (2015) Spatial association of long-term exposure to thermal stress and long-term exposure to PM2.5 in a cohort of elderly Hong Kong, Poster Presentation, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, Held in Hong Kong on 19 Sept, 2015


Wong, P., Cheng, W., Barratt, B. & Lai, PC. (2015) Vertical variation in the microclimates of a narrow street canyon and an open street, Poster Presentation, Spatial Statistics: Emerging Patterns, Held in Avignon, France on 9-12 June, 2015


Barratt, B., Choi, C., Lee, M., Wong, P., Tsui, A., Cheng, W., Lai, P.C., Wong, C.M., Thach, T.Q., Allen, R., Brauer, M. (2015) The Hong Kong D3D Study: A dynamic three-dimensional exposure model for Hong Kong, Poster Presentation, Health Effects Institute 2015 Annual Conference, Held in Philadelphia, PA on 3-5 May, 2015


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2015) The microclimate influence of urban setting on urban heat island effects, Oral Presentation, 2015 AAG Annual Meeting, Held in Chicago, Illinois on 21-25 April, 2015


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2015) Microclimate monitoring of herd effects on marathon runners, Oral Presentation, 10th Esri Asia Pacific User Conference, Held in Hong Kong on 27-28 Jan 2015


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2013) A field study of microclimate heat island effects in urban community of Hong Kong, Oral presentation, 8th Greater China GIS Conference, Held in Hong Kong on 7-8 Jan 2015


Wong, P. (2014) A small area study of microclimate urban heat island effects in Hong Kong, Paper presentation, Hong Kong Geography Day 2014, Held in Hong Kong on 22 November 2014


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2013) Microclimate variations of Urban Heat Island effects in Hong Kong, Oral presentation, CS04-7 Climatology – Urban Climate (3), IGU 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference, Held in Kyoto, Japan on 4-9 August 2013


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2013) Thermal effects and marathon runners - A symbiotic relationship, Poster presentation, A37, IGU 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference, Held in Kyoto, Japan on 4-9 August 2013


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2013) Microclimate variations of Urban Heat Island effects within urban areas of Hong Kong. Oral Presentation, C1102, 13th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, Held in Hong Kong on 1 June 2013


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2013) A case study of thermal effects, microclimate conditions, and marathon runners, Poster presentation, 4521 Urban Geography, 2013 AAG Annual Meeting, Held in Los Angeles, California on 9-13 April 2013


Wong, P., Lai, P.C. & Hart, M. (2012) Microclimate monitoring of marathon courses in Hong Kong, Poster presentation, Hong Kong Geography Day 2012, Held in Hong Kong on 13 October 2012

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